Episode Transcript
Speaker 2 (00:02.099)
All right, welcome everyone to the Make His Business Tribe podcast. My name is Nina. I'm the founder of the Make His Business Tribe and product growth strategist here at the Tribe. today, I feel so honored to have the wonderful Lucy Durie here on the call with me. Lucy is the founder of Green Panther.
a product that I'm not just like shamelessly love to endorse because I love it so much. It's a day and a night serum. By the way, I've never used a day and a night serum before in my life. I always just used to put some cream on. But when we started working together and really started working through the magic of this product, that's how she sold it to me, this lady. So I ended up with it in my bathroom and I've been a fan.
But I've not just been a fan of her product because, you know, heck, there's so much skincare out there, but much more. am a fan of the brand Green Panther and what it really, what it really stands for. And that's why I wanted to bring Lucy onto this show today for her to, to take us onto the journey as to.
What happened? Why did she create this brand in the first place? What is the story and the vision behind it? How does she want to shake up the beauty industry that, in all honesty, doesn't really have the best story, so to speak, and oftentimes can be seen as very superficial, whereas her products go way beyond just prettiness.
but there's actually raw strength and power and independence and reclaiming the self behind it and so much more. And yeah, I'd love for you, today to share this story, share with us what makes Green Panther really special and what dent are you here to make in the universe in this lifetime? So without further ado, Lucy, welcome. Thank you so much for being here today.
Speaker 2 (02:15.69)
And yeah, let's have an awesome conversation.
Hey Neda, I'm looking forward to it. Thank you for having me.
Awesome. Thank you so much, Lucy. So the first conversation that I'd like to delve into is about Green Panther. What started it? What made you decide? What led up to it to being like, OK, well, I got this dream or I got this huge frustration, and I'm not going to stop.
Dreaming about it anymore, but I'm actually going to do something
Speaker 2 (03:03.01)
What happened? How did we end up with Green Panther?
Yeah, it's a story. The shorter version, Nina, and as you know, I went through quite a health journey a few years ago and I burnt out, essentially, executive burnout and developed chronic fatigue, which left me bedridden for about a year, more than a year. It was a really long road to recovery.
I'll give you the
Speaker 2 (03:41.998)
For one year, I just want to clarify, one year you will literally...
I spent most of that time in bed. So I used to, at the time, it was nearly five years ago now. So at the time, my kids were in kindy and year three. And so I used to spend most of the day conserving my energy so that when they came home from school, I had some juice left to have a conversation with them and to cook them dinner. But I really wasn't very useful for much else. My husband will tell you that.
Yeah, so I literally, I couldn't work, I couldn't play with the kids. I struggled to walk through the sand to get to the beach. I just didn't have the energy. It was quite an incredible experience to still have such a busy entrepreneurial mind, but to not have the body that would keep up for some time.
But I knew intuitively that I felt like I was just clogged up. People talk about toxic body burden. And I felt like I was full up and I needed to become lighter and to lift some of that to find that energy to start healing because my body was just like it had plateaued. So that's really what started it because I started researching and getting really obsessed with what I was both eating and
putting in my body, but also putting onto my body. And it was what I found during that period of research that really horrified me. And if I'm honest, made me quite angry because I couldn't believe some of the ingredients that were being put into my skincare, but also my cleaning products and my makeup and my perfumes and a lot of things really.
Speaker 1 (05:45.902)
And I think what really drove me, other than my, you know, by necessity, my healing journey was also that I felt it took the power away from me and from women generally, and made it really difficult for us to make good decisions for good health, because we didn't have all of the information. Some of those ingredient labels are long and ridiculously ambiguous.
And a lot of the marketing I found was also very misleading. And some of the greenwashing and some of the labels that said perhaps things were natural or they were, you know, they were green in color and you made certain assumptions. And all of that sort of detail, I felt really worked against women instead of for women. And that really fueled a fire within me.
And by you, when you once you figured this out and you've started making changes, what happened?
Speaker 1 (06:53.29)
Well, I started making changes for myself and my family to begin with. I threw out everything in my home and I started formulating most of it. And until I, the entrepreneurial cogs started wearing and I thought, I could do this for other people as well. And I started, and then I narrowed down.
what I was making, although I still make a lot of the things for my boys. They have bad eczema as well, so there's sort of issues on top of issues, and so I still make a lot. But in terms of what Green Panther became, that evolved into a serum range. it became important to me that women, as well as wanting to look good,
Even more importantly, I wanted them to feel good. And I knew firsthand what it was like to feel awful and to look, you know, my skin was dull and I was just drained and I wasn't sleeping properly. I, you know, I think it makes such a difference when we feel good, we look good. And so I started thinking a lot about
how I wanted to formulate these products to make women feel good.
Awesome. then, okay, so that year passed by and you were making your product yourself. And just by making your own product, at what point in time were you like, man, this is, I'm unclogged, I'm thriving, like how the heck is this possible?
Speaker 1 (08:46.318)
Yeah, in terms of my physical recovery and in all honesty it was probably as much emotional as it was physical. So there was a lot to navigate and all of that has kind of gone into the products that we now have. to answer your question, I think I did, I started to feel lighter and I started to
Speaker 1 (09:15.884)
bit by bit regain some energy. And I would notice this because in the mornings I'd kind of assess what level of battery I felt like I had for the day. And you know, bit by bit, you know, as well as having energy for my kids at the end of the day and to do a couple of basic things like cook them a meal, I started to have a bit more energy for maybe a conversation with a friend.
Whereas beforehand, even that would have tied me out after a couple of minutes. But that was really affecting my well-being as well. So I started to notice that I was able to do a little bit more. And as a result, I was feeling much more fulfilled and much happier because I could do a bit more. could see people. I could speak to people. I started feeling like I had a bit more quality of life.
Yeah. And of course, you know, it was, I believe that it was to do with a lot of those products that I had taken out of my life and I had made those, made those changes. But I think it was a series of things that I was doing in my life. I was making some big changes to become a lot cleaner generally and much more conscious around my lifestyle.
Yeah, awesome. And then you during that journey, you decided to create Green Panther. What does Green Panther symbolize? What does it stand for? What does it? What is the energy behind that?
Speaker 1 (11:01.656)
Well, I think it probably comes down to two main things for me. Green Panther literally means nature lover. So, you know, I spent a lot of time in nature while I was recovering and I did all of the beautiful woo-woo things like the grounding and the ocean therapy and the sunlight for the circadian rhythm. And so nature became an even bigger part in my life.
than I had been before. And I started to research a lot of plant extracts that I could use on my skin that just blew my mind.
But I think Green Panther has also evolved. It's evolved and it's kept that nature aligned aspect for sure. And it's also evolved into something that is empowering for women. But I feel like empowering is a word that is so overused, but it stands for women's
women reclaiming their beauty and their power and bringing that back from something that we are taught is external and something that we put on, bringing it back inside them to help them reclaim that power and realise that actually their beauty is something that they own.
Speaker 2 (12:35.786)
And I love this for me. And that's why, you know, apart from how good these products look, I, I like to have them in my bathroom because it's like a morning reminder because a panther is so beautiful, right? Like, my God, strong and strong. the, the energy behind the panther, if you like,
ever come up close anywhere close to a Panther, you can feel that. Like that's, you know.
Absolutely, it's that feminine strength I think as well that excites me.
Yeah, yeah. that's like, it's such, and that's why I, for me, I always thought day and night serum could have maybe been connected of that reminder at the start of the day and at the end of the day of that inner strength and beauty. I don't know if that was coincidental, if I made that up or if there's anything to it.
Speaker 1 (13:41.484)
Well, I don't know that I had the thought around the day and the night. just wanted to keep it simple. I thought that's all that I needed a day and a night. having said that, I do have a little post-it note in my bathroom. And I do look at it every time I put my serum on and it says, it's a little prompt. I'm going to try and remember what it says. It says, I love you because.
and I fill in the blank on any given day and I forgive you for and I appreciate you for.
And so it does exactly that. I think it just, you know, it feeds that ritual of self-care to help us stay well on all levels. And also that wanting to help women to feel good as a precursor to looking good and energetically being vibrant.
That was so important to me in the making of the products. And so for me, I think that all comes full circle in that sort of morning and evening ritual.
Yeah, yeah, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's so, it's so powerful. And that's what I kind of like, really like to appreciate about it, because it forced me on like, stopping in the morning, putting it on, stopping in the evening, putting it on. And it moves you gently into that segment of day and segment of, of evening, you know?
Speaker 1 (15:28.226)
Yeah, that's a really beautiful way to put it. I hadn't thought about the pause because we often forget to pause.
We do, we do. I think this is like, that's a big magical part of just this very simple product because, know, no, honestly, I mean, there's so many product ranges out there where you need to buy the cleanser and then the serum and then the lotion and then this one and then the humidifier, like, blah, blah, blah. Yeah. Okay, cool.
That's all fine for someone who really likes to go all out and spend 300 odd dollars on their skincare every month and do that. And I don't. But it's not that I don't feel like I'm worthy of it. I just don't like the complex, complexity of doing all of that stuff.
Yeah, there's enough complexity in life.
Exactly. And it just makes it so simple and easy. But can you just like, as part of your formulation, like what, because, to heart, there are already serums out there to the plenty. Yeah, probably hundreds. What is the key thing that you're like, man, this is really the key banger you want to pay attention to in each of the products in terms of ingredients? What is it? What is special about this beyond the story?
Speaker 1 (16:54.402)
Yeah, well, I can really nerd out on some of these beautiful ingredients that are selected to go into this. three, okay. So I know I've already been banging on about the importance of feeling good in order to look good and how beauty to me is also around alignment. And so in terms of feel good factor that we literally infuse into the serum as
I'm sorry.
Speaker 1 (17:23.682)
the opportunistic self care moment that we've just been talking about, are neurocosmetic ingredients. neurocosmetic, neuro means brain, cosmetic means skin. So it's literally the brain skin connection. And there are a couple of ingredients that I really get quite passionate about because they have a superficial or physical effect, but also
an emotional or mood lifting effect. So an example of that, my number one would be grifonia liphate, which is in the botanical facelift serum, which is the day serum. And it's a really little known ingredient. It's a plant extract that is just not really very well known yet. But as well as it has it tightens and it targets fine lines. So as well as its role doing that.
It also contains a naturally occurring 5-HTP, which is the precursor to our happy hormone serotonin. So it's got this sort of automatic mood lifter in it, which I love, especially to be putting that on in the morning, sort of setting you up for your day. It also, my number two would be some of the, two of the essential oils that
that are in that same formula, which are also mood-lifters. So we've got a sweet orange and a tangerine oil, both of which have got clinical studies done on them for their mood-lifting ability. And my number, that was kind of a one, two, three, but I have one more. Which I absolutely adore. And I'm not going to even touch on sort of the usual suspects. Like a lot of people would know about the hyaluronic acid, which it has in it.
and some of the other oils like the rosehip and the vitamin E has all of that. But one very special oil that the nighttime serum has is Bucucchi oil. And I think that's becoming a little bit more mainstream now, but it's also, it's not yet so well known. It's a natural alternative to retinol, which is quite magical with its...
Speaker 1 (19:43.48)
cell renewal properties and putting it on overnight just helps accelerate that natural process that our skin goes through at night to take the dead cells off and to bring the new cells to the surface so that it's bright enough complexion. But it means not using retinol, which often people with sensitive skin get reactions to. My skin gets easily irritated.
people often reports of dryness and redness and it's quite a harsh synthetic chemical. being able to get, and studies do show that Bacuchio can get the same results as retinol, but it's just in a much gentler, potentially slightly longer way. but it's just a beautiful gentle ingredient. And I'm just amazed at how plants can achieve
these kinds of results for us in a healthy and kind way. So that's what I love so much about those ingredients.
Yeah. Yeah. And for me, like I, when I was, when I was a child, I had lots of skin issues, very, very sensitive skin and eczema and inflammation and all sorts of things. And I don't feel like there are many brands out there that really carry through the types of high standards that you have when it comes to ingredients and it's gentleness.
through their products. Because, I mean, when you have any types of skin issues, you become a master in reading labels if you really want to do something about it, right? And I feel like it's always been incredibly hard for me to trust what's in it and to not find another chemical that was kind of like added to it because it makes a product cheaper. Yeah? Yeah.
Speaker 2 (21:49.728)
I feel also a big trust thing with your brand and what you've created because the word, and we play with this a lot, right, is unapologetic power. And when we were working through your and crystallizing your vision, I still remember this. It's like we've also really angered this as your value, right? It's like we don't take shortcuts.
You don't take, you don't just like jam something into for the bigger margin or for whatever. It's like, this is like an unapologetically powerful product with the best of what you were able to find in the market.
You know, and I think really substantiate this. It's like there's no shortcuts. isn't a cheap way to achieving what you're trying to achieve just with the sermon itself, right?
Yeah, yeah, absolutely, Nina. So much that I can say to that. And I think, you know, I've always been kind of a, I was a rebellious teenager and, and I've never, never been that happy with the status quo. You know, I've always been pushing up against it and wanting to break barriers. And so really it was in my nature to not follow the rules that the beauty rules that appeared to be in front of me.
But like you, I also developed a bit of a mistrust, I think, of the industry and I went through so many products that I thought were harmless, but then once I knew a little bit more, I realized they weren't, some of those ingredients weren't okay for me. And an example of that is, if my kids, I know you said you had eczema when you were younger and
Speaker 1 (23:55.542)
My boy is also one in particular has really quite bad eczema and has done for years. And so we've been through all of the suggested skincare, some of which is sort of labeled to be demologically tested or for sensitive skin or for eczema. But quite often it has even one simple preservative. It's one in particular called phenoxyethanol, which is
which is harsh for sensitive skin and it often irritates skin and eyes and lungs. And some people might tolerate that, but for me, I wasn't going to tolerate that. And so I think my standards are really high and I'm not apologizing for that. And so that's where the unapologetic power also comes in because, you know, there may be some brands that make similar
claims to what we make, but I don't think many of them have similar standards. And so, you know, this was a moment where I rebelled again and I thought, I don't want to be called natural. I don't want to be called clean or clear or whatever. I want my own category and I want to be called zero compromised skincare. And so that led us down that pathway where, you know, we decide what we want.
in the product, we decide what we don't want in the product and nothing else. And it's a bit of a bit of foot stomping on behalf of all women and I'm pretty pleased with that.
Yeah, and I just like I remember this one of the stories when you were trying to find a manufacturer, right? And we kind of talked about it how this manufacturer lady not saying names human. Yeah, wanted to talk you out of certain ingredients and into something that was more affordable. For whatever reason she had maybe that was better margins for her or easier to manufacture. But
Speaker 2 (26:05.016)
To me, that was one of those big moments when you were like, no, fucking no.
This is the man's formula. Yeah, I have. yes, not mentioning names. was absolutely, there was that incident where I was tested. It was like a challenge of whether I wanted to stick to my values or not. And yeah, there was another beckoned manufacturer before we landed on the one that we have that just didn't have the
transparency and didn't want to cooperate on sharing the information that I needed to be satisfied that I knew that everything in that product was safe and I could stand by the brand and what I said that it represented. So I definitely was challenged and whilst we're on the topic of values, right from the beginning, I needed everything about the brand to stand for authenticity,
for vitality and for freedom. And I think that was a lesson for me early on to teach me that I need to stand in my power. I even perhaps need to be a little defined about it, but this is the path that I want to take and this is me.
And that's the incredible thing, right? Because as a business owner and as a person defining this brand, defining this vision, there's one thing to put it out there, but there's another thing to then really, when you're being tested, to keep standing up for it.
Speaker 1 (27:56.514)
Yeah, there's definitely some follow through.
Yeah, yeah. But that's to me, it's like because for any business product, business owners listening to this, you know, it's it is so important, number one, to be so clear. What are your key values? What do you stand for? Number one, because it helps build those boundaries, because whether you're designing a product,
making it or selling it and marketing it, will be people left, right and center trying to challenge you or giving you advice or telling you, why are you not using this? It's way cheaper. What are you Yeah. And type of thing. And it's so easy to question yourself with, yeah, what am I doing? Why should I not? Why am I not doing that? But because you had those values,
To me, I felt when we had the conversation, it was very easy for you to find your path because you were very determined. We do what we do and we don't what we don't. No apologies. That was very clear. on reflection, that taught me again how powerful it is to be so clear on what's in it, what's out, and what our standards are.
And you'll probably be tested another hundred times on this. But even just that simple term can really help to stay on course.
Speaker 1 (29:38.19)
Absolutely. Yeah, I totally agree. And I think that being tested a little bit earlier just helped me to really, you know, I did probably question myself then, but now I've really settled into those values. really, you know, they're a part of me and I'm determined to stick by them. So I think it's just part for the course. And, you know,
course, it really helped having those conversations with you early on and becoming solid on those. And now it's way easier. Like I, they're just our values. That's what they are. And it makes decisions a lot easier because I've got that lens that I look through.
And also I feel because I mean you've just started launching your product right with the very start of the journey of getting it out to me I think the more you lean into expressing this what the brand really stands for to Stockists think the more you will either get hard nose because it's not their values meaning they are not part of the journey of
really helping women go down that path and own their inner strength and power and beauty? Or you get a hell yes.
Speaker 2 (31:07.756)
You know, it's a really, it's such a strong way of defining that category, the zero compromise category, you know, that doesn't exist. Yeah.
And we don't appeal to everybody and that's okay. That's even good. Yeah, I think it's, you know, as you say, it's early days, but I think it's a really strong category and I love the identity that comes with it. And I feel really connected to it. And I think a lot of other women in a similar stage of life will as well.
Yeah. So yesterday, was just, I don't know, somebody sent me a reel of like the four stages of womanhood. Yeah. And I was like, I love this. I read this like ages ago. And then I read it and I was like, yeah, cool. Because really, there was the stage of, think, you know, of course, we are all children. But at some point, we start defining ourselves and our, you know, teens and 20s. And we go through
of the growth, but we're going through that stage of we don't really know, we don't really know. And shit happens to us in that phase until we come to that moment of realization of who am I, whether that comes in the stage of when we are a mom and we are already nurturing and we are giving. But oftentimes that's what the lady was saying, right? Was like,
We're still finding it and rumbling with it of how do we fit in and who are we even when we become a mom. you know, there's the rumbling face until and she said it that way until shit hits the fan. Either for us personally, energetically, health wise or something else. Maybe something happened with our children and our family. But some wake up moment where we
Speaker 1 (32:56.366)
I love that term, rumbling.
Speaker 2 (33:18.228)
stop the rumble and we define for ourselves what is not cool anymore. Right? Because we dabbled and dabbled into so many different corners to define ourselves and we get pulled into all sorts of directions. We're so receptive to the marketing world and to stories and perception until at some point we kind of had this wake up.
And once we got defined there, that's when we are searching for our tribe. Whatever that tribe or that path is, what we define is that's the no-bullshit path. That's the path that then leads me to become a wise woman. That's the path when not just we actually really start growing up, but that's when also our children start growing up, because we can lead them.
There was more to the story and she goes on into the other stages of womanhood, but I was like this to me.
like so is so aligned with your story and with Green Panther and with the state of life. Because I was kind of reflecting on what state of life. And that's normally not a question that you ask when you're defining your what we call favorite human or your your your key customer or your target persona, whatever we want to call it. But I was like, Whoa.
the stage of life of the person who we stopped the rumble and we are like, we are firm, standing in the power.
Speaker 2 (35:05.998)
that is such a match of that woman and your brand.
Yeah, that sounds amazing. And I think it makes so much sense to me as well that it is actually a stage of the life. It's not necessarily the same age or the same anything that women go through that journey. But I think we all do go through that journey, you know, whether it's the health journey or the, you know, some kind of growth journey that brings those challenges and forces us to face.
our fears, doubts, uncertainties, insecurities, and be spat out the other end with some kind of realization and a lot of reflection. And it takes us to another level, as you say. I think it's about leadership as well, leadership for our families, but also self-leadership. And it's how we evolve as women.
Yeah, I think it's part of the experience. I'm not sure that the rumble ever entirely stops. I think it might be an ongoing one. But yeah, I think that's something that we all have in common.
And that to me is like that because your product is such a match. And you know, anyone, if you're listening to this check out it's Green Panther store on Instagram. Yes. Yes. Check it out. Look at the pictures. You know what I mean? Just look at the picture. It is such a powerful expression of a brand and of this story that you just heard. That's like
Speaker 2 (37:00.546)
This is a product that roars. I feel like anyone who's at that stage where they're like,
No, I'm sorry.
boundaries. I'm like, I'm going for my life, for my self identity, for my self trust, I'm trusting myself, I'm starting to lead this. And not just being like, flopping about in the waves and kind of like take every day as it comes, but I'm actually taking ownership, then I feel like this is the brand. And for me, I honestly cannot wait to see how
You are now carrying out that message because yes, of course, step one is getting the product into stockists for people to see it and experience it. But I also truly feel this is the year for you to keep telling this story. Because there's like so many communities out there where women connect with each other that have gone through some rumble.
and have had some realizations. As you said, there's probably rumble stage two and three and we'll keep rumbling, but we had that first wave behind us.
Speaker 2 (38:21.24)
To me, is kind of like, that is really.
the vision now of Green Panther, the warring story, the story that needs telling that women are going to connect with so much in such a powerful way.
Speaker 1 (38:49.1)
Yeah, thank you, Nina. I think that's bang on. And I'm excited about that, the RUM rule, know, bringing that community together. And I think that's also something that I would love to get more into the future, is to build that community of women supporting women and building wellness warriors that are there for each other at that stage in life.
Which is like, just, I see so many things like of what is happening, but at the end of the day, it's like for 2025, what are you seeing? What is, what is now the next step for Green Panther and for this vision and this story to get out to the masses?
Speaker 1 (39:39.15)
That's such a big question. I've got so many little sparks going off. Look, I think that the first step is to get out there and grow our brand awareness because I'm really proud of the products and what they can offer women. And I think it's a bit of a get to know your game for a little while.
But the community is also really exciting for me. I would love to see some collaborations, some partnerships in the wellness space. Some of the things perhaps that I went through as part of my recovery and part of my ongoing wellness programs, some of the things I love like yoga and reiki. I'm part of a female surfing group which I absolutely adore.
Speaker 1 (40:35.468)
And I would like to bring some of that together to be able to grow that community and support other women in their journeys.
Yeah. So maybe we can just do like an inofficial official call out for anyone who listens to this. Yeah. Who either wants to get you on for you to keep telling that story on a podcast and magazine, wherever that is, or join or it be a guest of any of those communities where women are coming together that really that want to do them. They don't bitch about life.
but I actually got the big pants on and kind of be like, all right, ladies, let's go for it. Yeah. Cause I feel like that's, that, that's, that, that's the spot to hang out. And that's really, I think where you, your story and green Panther can do so much magic. And I'm so excited. So the last question that I would love to hear from you, what is your number one tip for any woman?
Speaker 2 (41:43.508)
whatever stage she might be, but you got a dream and you decided to ultimately go for it. You know, that's a very scary point. And they're very, very many, many, many scary points when you're actually deciding you're jumping and you're not just holding that dream in your heart, but you are actually turning it into reality. What is your number one tip? If she's like, my gosh, like, I got this
fire burning in my heart, let's get that fire into like turn it into something good. What's your number one tip?
I have one and a half tips. the spirit of rebellion. I was thinking as you were talking, my absolute number one tip is to believe in yourself and trust yourself because I know these are words that are bandied about and you know, maybe we think that we do, but I know for me when it came down to it and the rubber was hitting the road, I was panicking and I was looking everywhere outside of myself for this.
thought when actually I knew that it was inside, that's where it was, that's how I was going to drive this thing forward. So I think the tip is to come back into yourself however you want to do that, whether that's through meditation or any other form, but coming back into yourself to really trust yourself and back yourself.
And think the other thing that I also want to say is that, and perhaps a little bit conversely to that, is that we don't have to do it all on our own. And sometimes we think that we do. So we don't have to do it all on our own. can reach out, there's plenty of support, there's beautiful people like you that will help us on that journey and support us through.
Speaker 2 (43:43.64)
Yeah, that is so powerful. And like the funny thing is, right? We like, we would never attempt when we have a baby to just do it all on our own. We lean left, right and center. If we can somehow, even if we end up being a single mom, we lean on friends, we lean on community. It has to be the same as a business. is a freaking, this is freaking, it's crazy town, you know?
another birth yeah
Exactly, you know, and it doesn't even end. It's not just like a 12 hour, 24 hour thing. This the same way many, many months. And but the cool thing is the entrepreneurs community is so helpful. Because if you know, you know, if you've gone through it, you know what people go through and is willing to help. And I love that tip. Sorry, I'm piggybacking on to that. But it is like that because I spoke to someone about this the other day again. And it's like,
Don't ever see yourself as a one-man band and say, I'm doing everything myself. It's like build a community because there are always people who've already gone through this shit or can learn from what you're going through. But people can lift you up and the people you can lift up. And then this whole experience of bringing a dream to life, the experience in itself, that's what makes it magical.
Because we can't just be chasing the million dollars, the 500,000, whatever it is. We got to need to join the journey. Otherwise, you're like, my gosh.
Speaker 1 (45:21.09)
Yeah, yeah, absolutely. think wise words. you know, without going deep again right at the end here, but I think me making myself do it all in my first business was part of the reason why I burnt out. Because sometimes that's what we're taught. We taught that, you know, if you want a job done, you probably do it yourself and you know, you need to get it done. And sometimes
I think in particular women think that they need to work twice as hard to keep up and to prove themselves. And so certainly for me, that was part of the psychological challenge and also the physical challenge the first time around. So I'm constantly reminding myself, I'm not on my own. I've got so many networks and beautiful people that are here supporting me. And so, yeah, I think that's a total gift to be able to reach out to those people.
And maybe it also ties back into stepping into your own power. Because when you trust self, then that also means you can trust others.
There's a beautiful vulnerability in it.
Hmm. Exactly. Well, thank you so much for your time, Lucy. This was such an awesome conversation to hear about your story, your struggles and where this business is at now. Like, honestly, I mean, it has been we've been working together, I think, July, June, July, something like that. Now it's fab. Now the product is live.
Speaker 2 (47:00.472)
When you first showed it to me, it was in a brown bottle. I still have those brown bottles in my bathroom. It's a memory with a clear label on it. And now, how much you have birthed of this and brought to life, so cool to see. And I cannot wait to see what happens now. And in the next 6, 12 months, it's exciting. It's really cool to feel very blessed to be part of this journey. And for anyone who wants to
Check out Lucy's Magic, honestly, follow her on Instagram, Green Panther Store. Your website, is it just Green Panther?
It's also GreenPantherStore.com
OK, awesome. So check it out. Try her products. And yeah, if you see her in store, take a photo because that is such a special moment once it gets in there. And yeah, I'm sure you will hear heaps more of us, of Lucy, over the next coming months. But thank you for that, Lucy.